50% of survey complete.

Question Title

* 1. Credit Union Name:

Question Title

* 2. Please enter the number of outstanding debit and credit cards your credit union currently has issued. If you do not offer a card type, please enter 0.

Question Title

* 3. Have you been notified by your processor or network that any of your members’ cards have been affected by the Home Depot breach?

Question Title

* 4. Were you notified how many cards were affected?

Question Title

* 5. How many debit and credit cards were affected? If none, or you don’t offer this card type, enter 0.

Question Title

* 6. Has your credit union reissued, or do you plan to reissue new replacement cards?

Question Title

* 7. Has your credit union had to increase staffing (via overtime, additional shifts, etc.) as a result of the Home Depot breach (responding to member inquiries, account monitoring, freezing, or closing affected accounts, etc.)?

Question Title

* 8. Please estimate the total costs to your credit union related to CARD REISSUANCE, FRAUD, and ALL OTHER COSTS (additional staffing, member notification, account monitoring, freezing or closing accounts, etc.) as a result of the Home Depot breach. If unable to estimate, enter 1.

Question Title

* 9. In the first few weeks after the breach was announced, how much has call volume been affected by members asking about the Home Depot breach, compared to normal levels for this time of the year?

Question Title

* 10. Has you credit union been reimbursed for any costs related to last year’s Target data breach?

Question Title

* 11. There has been considerable discussion surrounding card issuers being reimbursed by retailers for losses relating to data breaches. Do you support this concept?

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* 12. How do you think the reimbursement should be determined?

Question Title

* 13. While card reissuing costs could be tracked, do you believe your credit union could accurately determine which breach a fraud loss occurred from?

Question Title

* 14. Would you support a “fine” system for retailers?

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* 15. Do you believe the Networks (Visa/MC) are currently utilizing all of their tools to fine retailers?

Question Title

* 16. Do you believe retailers should be held to the same data security standards that financial institutions are?

Question Title

* 17. What is your biggest challenge in notifying members of a breach?

Question Title

* 18. Many credit unions are moving to ApplePay and other mobile payment services. Is your credit union considering offering members such a service?

Question Title

* 19. Do you believe mobile payment services such as ApplePay will reduce credit/debit fraud?

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* 20. Are you concerned about losing interchange income if mobile payments continue to grow?

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* 21. Do you believe consumers are becoming desensitized to data breaches given the number of breaches?