Dane Churches Project Survey

6% of survey complete.
About this Research Study:

Thank you for choosing to take the Dane Churches Project Survey! This survey is part of research study to understand the Christian churches in Dane County in order to support faithful Christian ministry and mission in the United States. This survey is being conducted by Christopher B. James, PhD, Assistant Professor at University of Dubuque Theological Seminary.

You are being invited to take this survey because you are a pastor of a Christian church, community or campus ministry in Dane County, Wisconsin. The questions in this survey focus on your church’s history, practices and priorities.  The published works resulting from this study will include proposals for church leaders regarding ways of promoting faithful forms of Christian witness in the United States.  The benefits of taking this survey include contributing to the goals of the research above, being made aware of published findings, and having your own reflection prompted. You will not receive any financial or material benefits. There are no inherent risks. By taking this survey, you are giving your consent to have aggregate survey responses included in published findings.  At the end of the survey, you can indicate if you would like your identity as the one who took the survey to remain anonymous, in which case your name will not be included in published research products.  All data will be stored in a password-protected electronic format.  Your participation in this research study is voluntary. You may skip any optional questions you do not want to answer. This online survey will take approximately 20 minutes.

If you have any questions or concerns about the study, please contact me:
Christopher B. James // cjames@dbq.edu // 563.663.1888

This research has been reviewed according to University of Dubuque Human Subjects Institutional Review Board procedures for research involving human subjects.

Question Title

* 1. Clicking on the "I agree" button below indicates that you have read the information above, you are at least 18 years of age, and you are voluntarily participating in the study: