You are invited to participate in a research project titled "Consumer Panel Recruitment Survey". You are eligible to participate because you are interested in our survey. This study is conducted by Danas MR Inc.

By participating, you will help us identify individuals who can provide valuable insights for our research. In return for your time and input, we offer compensation for your participation in our surveys.

Your participation in this study is voluntary, you are free to decide whether or not to participate in this study. If you choose to participate, all information will be kept confidential and anonymous. All information collected for this survey is confidential and will never be used to identify specific individuals or organizations.
Researchers will ask you about your basic information (age, gender, income, etc.) as well as questions related to market research.

If you are willing to participate in this study, please click “Yes” below to begin the survey. By clicking the link to start the survey, you indicate that: 1) “I am at least 18 years old,” and 2) “I have read and understood the risks and benefits of this survey and voluntarily choose to participate.” We sincerely appreciate your time and effort in participating in this survey. Once again, we emphasize that your information will never be used in any way to identify you and will be collected anonymously. Thank you again for your invaluable assistance in this project.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us. Our Email address is:

Question Title

* 1. I have read and understood the above informed consent form, and I voluntarily choose to participate in this research.