Are You Creating Raving Fans?

This Customer Experience Engine self-assessment will help you identify where your organization is already creating loyal brand ambassadors and where you may need to upgrade your customer experience engine.

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* 1. We have sent customer surveys at least once a year to ask about their experience (more than just one score for overall customer satisfaction).

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* 2. We regularly interact with our customers about how and why they use our products/services.

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* 3. We reward customers for giving feedback -- both positive and negative.

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* 4. We have created AND communicated a "customer persona" ( description of a typical customer) that helps everyone understand our main customers, their desires/needs, and how we meet those desires/needs.

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* 5. Our leadership team reviews customer feedback.

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* 6. We review our measures of operational performance and look for ways to improve.

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* 7. When we onboard new employees, we train them on how to deliver the operational standards.

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* 8. We have identified AND communicated to our team the key operational standards that we must consistently execute to near perfection.

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* 9. We have a regularly utilized process where we evaluate customer feedback AND create real action steps based on the results.

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* 10. We stay committed to our main products and are not distracted by products/services that compete with our core. 

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* 11. We measure our operational performance against specific standards of excellence. 

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* 12. We leverage technology to gather and share customer behavior and preferences.

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* 13. Our leaders talk openly about the importance of creating a great experience for customers.

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* 14. Our leadership team focuses on making long-term decisions, priorities, and plans based on creating great experiences for years to come.

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* 15. Our employees proactively reach out to customers before they need us.

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* 16. Our employees have the authority and are encouraged to create customized solutions (even if it is just optional add-ons to a core product) to fit the customer's needs.

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* 17. Our employees work to build real relationships with our customers.

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* 18. Our leadership team has at least three kinds of meetings to discuss the organization's highest priorities and create plans accordingly: Strategic (big-picture, longer meetings), Tactical (details and more frequently done), Learning & Development meetings (growth experiences together).

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* 19. We often share the specific moments in which customers' lives are better because of our service to them.

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* 20. We have a specific process for measuring the memorable moments that we create for our clients.

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* 21. We have a strategy and plans to create memories with our customers/partners (More than just Christmas cards!).

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* 22. We have identified a few key themes/issues that are uniquely tied to our business around which we help our customers create memories.

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* 23. Everyone on our leadership team takes responsibility for the overall company goals (not just their area) by supporting each other and creating accountability to stated goals.

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* 24. Our employees speak to the customers in a way that encourages relationships and makes them feel important.

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* 25. Please enter your first and last name.

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* 26. How can we contact you?