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Stop the Bleed

Here you will enter your month's data on stop the bleed events that have been held as well as any traumas that you have received that utilized any STB resources.

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* 1. b'Name of Entity'

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* 2. Person Completing report

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* 3. What quarter are you reporting

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* 4. How many STOP THE BLEED courses have  you conducted this quarter?

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* 5. Please list each class's date and the amount attended? As well as if the classes included any school system staff or public service individuals?

April 18, 2021 - 12 students - 3 were EMS
April 25, 2021 - 10 students - 2 works for the school district

Question Title

* 6. Were all the classes that were conducted this quarter registered on the national website?

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* 7. b'How many instructors do you have in your entity / community?'

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* 8. Have you received any patients that utilized Stop the Bleed resources??

i.e. has anyone pick up by your EMS unit  that had a tourniquet placed or packing in a wound

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* 10. How many of the tourniquets that you received where placed appropriately?? 

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* 11. Did your entity place any tourniquets?  If so, how many??

0 of 19 answered