Customer Satisfaction Survey

Listening to customers has always been important to us. Your feedback will help us better serve people like you!
1.Did the representative at SCA try to help you by providing information about other services?
2.What are your biggest unmet needs? Please check all that apply.
3.Overall, how satisfied are you with Schuylkill Community Action?
4.How well does our services meet your needs?
5.Please evaluate our performance in the following areas by checking the appropriate box.
Very High Quality
High Quality
Neither High nor Low Quality
Low Quality
Very Low Quality
Customer Service/Communication
Quality of Program/Services Provided
Accessibility/Cleanliness of Our Facilities
Professionalism/Willingness of SCA Representative to Help
Overall Experience with SCA
6.Please check all characteristics below that apply to you.
7.Are you of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin?
8.Please check the characteristic below that applies to you.
9.Please enter all of the characteristics below that apply to you or your immediate family.
Do you or a family member have a Disability? If the answer is YES, please list whether it is a physical/developmental disability, mental disability, or both affecting household members.
10.Please check the program(s) you were applying for during your visit.
11.If you would like to receive SCA updates on our programs and the organization, please provide your email address below.