Investigator Responsibilities: Investigator Initiated Trials Topics: What is an FDA 1572 (21 CFR 312.50) Statement of Investigator form? When don’t you use the 1572 form? Why does the investigator need to fill out a 1572 form? Filling out the FDA 1572 form 1572 Commitments Key points to understanding 1572 Commitments Question Title * Please rate the following: Very Quite Mediocre Somewhat Not at All How effective was the course at addressing the topics? How effective was the course at addressing the topics? Very How effective was the course at addressing the topics? Quite How effective was the course at addressing the topics? Mediocre How effective was the course at addressing the topics? Somewhat How effective was the course at addressing the topics? Not at All How applicable was the course to your current work? How applicable was the course to your current work? Very How applicable was the course to your current work? Quite How applicable was the course to your current work? Mediocre How applicable was the course to your current work? Somewhat How applicable was the course to your current work? Not at All How easy was the course to use? How easy was the course to use? Very How easy was the course to use? Quite How easy was the course to use? Mediocre How easy was the course to use? Somewhat How easy was the course to use? Not at All How engaging did you find the course? How engaging did you find the course? Very How engaging did you find the course? Quite How engaging did you find the course? Mediocre How engaging did you find the course? Somewhat How engaging did you find the course? Not at All How visually appealing did you find the course? How visually appealing did you find the course? Very How visually appealing did you find the course? Quite How visually appealing did you find the course? Mediocre How visually appealing did you find the course? Somewhat How visually appealing did you find the course? Not at All Question Title * Will this course lead to you changing any of your behavior and/or practice? Yes No If yes, please specify how: Question Title * On a scale from 1 to 5, how many stars would you give this course? Question Title * Where did you hear about this online course catalog? Email Colleague Georgia CTSA - eRoundUp Other (please specify) Question Title * What other topics would you like to see offered? Submit