CTAC's Performing Arts Series

1.How often do you attend live performances? (please check all that apply)
2.Have you attended a show or performance at Crooked Tree Arts Center before?
3.If you answered no, what prevented you from attending? (please check all that apply)
4.If you have attended a performance at CTAC, what was your favorite performance?
5.What type of performances would you like to see at Crooked Tree Arts Center? (please check all that apply)
6.If CTAC had an open mic night for local musicians/artists, how likely is it that you would attend? (please check all that apply)
7.What is your age range?
8.What is your CTAC membership status?
9.Do you follow us on Social Media?
10.Where do you hear about CTAC's events?
11.Other suggestions/comments