United Nations Headquarters, New York, 10-14 February 2025

The Bureau of the 63rd Commission for Social Development (CSocD63) normally allocates time for NGOs to speak depending on the schedule of the day and the number of Member States on their speakers' list.

The number of NGOs permitted to speak is at the discretion of the Bureau. In previous Commissions, approximately 20 NGOs were given the opportunity to speak.

NGOs that have consultative status with ECOSOC (General or Special Status) can choose the agenda items on which they would like to focus.

Time limit:
NGO representatives will be permitted to speak for a maximum of 3 minutes (approx. 350 words). The time limit will be strictly enforced.

The selection criteria for NGOs to be included on a speakers list will be based on the following criteria:

1. Adherence and relevance to the priority theme
2. NGOs speaking on behalf of a group, network or committee
3. Representation of a balance of regional groups

The order of NGOs on the speakers list will be based on:

a) NGOs speaking on behalf of a group, network or committee
b) Regional grouping, alphabetized
c) Most convenient time for the NGO representative(s)

NGOs that have requested to speak but are not on the final speakers list can still make interventions after high-level panels when the Bureau asks for questions from the floor.

NGO oral statements cannot replicate the content that was submitted in a written statement to CSocD63.

When you are invited to speak, you should introduce yourself to a staff member from UNDESA. They will inform the Secretary of the Bureau that you are present and ready to speak. If you are not there, the next NGO on the list will be called. If you want to speak at a different time, you can inform a staff member from UNDESA who is on the floor.

The deadline for submission is 31 January 2025.

For more information about the CSocD63, please visit:

Question Title

* 1. Title:

Question Title

* 2. First Name:

Question Title

* 3. Last Name:

Question Title

* 4. Phone Number:

Question Title

* 5. Email:

Question Title

* 6. First and Last Name of the NGO Representative who will make the oral statement:

Question Title

* 7. Email of the NGO Representative who will make the oral statement:

Question Title

* 8. Primary telephone number (Whatsapp preferred) of the NGO Representative who will make the statement:

Question Title

* 9. Please provide the full name of your organization (Please note that your organization should be in consultative status with ECOSOC (General or Special):

Question Title

* 10. To which agenda item does your statement relate?

Question Title

* 11. Please input your oral statement below, noting that there is a strict enforcement of the 3-minute time limit (approx. 350 words):

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Question Title

* 12. Are you speaking on behalf of an NGO Group, Network or Committee? Please list all organizations represented: