Please register and select your favorite games and activities for the Sunday night (9/15) party!

Joining us on Sunday requires an email reply, so please provide a personal email in case your work email might change or block our email (we might use both of your emails if initially no reply from your work email.)

Question Title

* 1. What are your pre-Rising weekend plans, and particularly on Sunday the 15th from 6pm to 10pm in Las Vegas?

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* 2. Select all the games and activities that you would like to play during the CSM pre-Rising Sunday (9/15) Fun and Game Party at the Rio (7pm to 10pm):

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* 3. Please select your Sunday 6pm to 7pm food and drink order (your best match)

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* 4. Please complete the following so we can follow up with you

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* 5. Replying to email is required to join us Sunday night. Please provide a personal email as back-up, in case we do not get a reply from your work email.