Thank you for your interest in auditioning for Boch Center's City Spotlights Leadership Program!! More information can be found at or watch this video and our Final Showcase from 2023.
The City Spotlights Leadership Program is a summer youth employment program that will hire up to 30 Teen Leaders, ages 14-18, specializing in an area of the performing arts (dance, music, or acting) to use the arts for social change in their communities. Teen Leaders work collaboratively to create an original performance and arts-based community engagement opportunities connected to social change. Teen Leaders deepen their facilitation and job readiness skills; engage Boston residents in meaningful dialogue about a social change, and operate as agents of change in their communities.
Teen Leaders will be $15 (and the opportunity to earn an equivalent of $17 a hour worked upon completion of the program) for up to 25 hours per week. Teen Leaders will meet on Mondays-Thursdays from 9:30am-4:30pm and Fridays from 9:30am-1:30pm (schedule is subject to change). They will receive arts and leadership training in preparation for a Final Showcase performance and community engagement efforts. Cit Spotlights will start on July 7, 2025 through August 15, 2025.
The City Spotlights Leadership Program meets at the Boch Center's Shubert Theatre, 265 Tremont Street, Boston MA 02116.
Previous performing arts experience is NOT necessary! Prior preparation is NOT required for auditions.
Eligibility requirements:
- Must be 14 to 18 years old.
- Must live in the city of Boston.
- Must be able to commit to work from July 7 through August 15.
Interview process:
Previous performing arts experience is NOT necessary! Prior preparation is NOT required for auditions.
Participants must complete two workshop-based audition sessions, one as their audition, and a second as a callback. Please fill out the following application to complete your audition sign-up. We will then send you an email confirming your audition, date, and time.
The first audition will be a group workshop led by our Education staff. We will talk about the program, discuss our interests in social justice, engage in interactive activities, and devise performing art pieces.
Audition dates:
- Monday April 7 @4pm-6pm
- Friday April 18 @4pm-6pm
The second session will be a callback group workshop where we will work on developing performance pieces in acting, music and dance. Be prepared to take risks with a positive attitude, collaborate creatively with others, exhibit professionalism, and have fun! Attendance at both the audition and callback session is required to be eligible for this job.
Callback date:
- Monday April 28, 2025