1. Centropa Summer Academy Application for North American participants

Dear North American Educators,

We are pleased to announce that Centropa’s 10th Summer Academy--CSA 2016--will be held 4-13 July in Vienna, Prague and Berlin. The preliminary program can be found here: http://csa2015.centropa.org/program

We will invite 50 Europeans, 30 Americans, and up to 10 Israeli educators. Those teaching in private schools, we ask that your school cover as much of the costs as possible and minimally your air fare. Those teaching in public schools, we will do our best to find funding to cover the costs of your trip, and we also ask that you help find funding from your PTA, school, or local organizations. We ask all participants to cover rides to/from airports, meals on several free evenings, and one lunch. Including air fare, the cost of the trip will come to $3,500.

Preference for acceptance into the program will go to teachers who have used Centropa in their classes, and have sent us their lessons. If you are new to Centropa, we invite and encourage you to apply and ask you to browse our website, watch one or two of our films, and tell us in the application how you plan to use our resources in the coming year.

Applications are now open only for the NCCAT Endowment Fund scholarships, for teachers within the state of North Carolina, so please apply as soon as possible and no later than June 9, 2016, and we will inform applicants within a week.

PLEASE NOTE: you must click "next" in order for your answers to save, if you want to complete your application at a later date. In addition, your browser might time out the page if you leave the window open without any activity, and you would lose any unsaved information. We recommend that you save your answers in Word in case your application does not save properly, and you can send it to Lauren at granite@centropa.org.  If you do not see a confirmation of submission of your application, please email us at granite@centropa.org to let us know. Thank you.

Basic information regarding the CSA:

* We begin in Vienna on 4 July at 12:30. The program ends the evening of 12 July in Berlin (participants can depart on the morning of 13 July.)

* Travel: Once we invite you to participate, please look for the least expensive airplane ticket from your hometown to Vienna and from Berlin to your hometown - you will need to use the multi-destination option on sites such as Expedia.
NOTE: For those whose flights we will reimburse, we can only do so upon receiving the original receipts AND boarding passes, which means we will reimburse you after the CSA.

* Centropa will cover your transportation costs between Vienna and Prague, and Prague and Berlin.

* Should you wish to arrive early or stay longer, we ask that you make these arrangements on your own - we are a small team and have our hands full with the seminar preparations. You will be able to find the hotel information at the Summer Academy website, which will be available in the coming weeks. We highly recommend you come to Vienna early. It is a beautiful city and well worth the extra time.

* CSA participants will be required to complete a pre-trip assignment, which we will describe in the registration form (sent out with the acceptance email). In addition, participants will read several essays, as well as two books, all of which we will discuss during the trip. Specific assignments and readings will be available on the CSA website in late April.

* Kosher meals/dietary restrictions. We will be happy to provide kosher meals for those who require it. Kosher food surcharge will be €20 per day and we can provide the certificate of kashrut for all who require it.

There will always be vegetarian options at every meal.

Thanks very much, and we hope to hear from you soon!

Ed, Fabian, Lauren, Marcell and E

Question Title

* 1. Name, affiliation and contact data.
Please provide us with the address of your school or organization and give us a cell phone number in case we have to contact you during the seminar.