MSS 2024


Midlothian Sure Start values your opinion.
Your feedback helps us improve our services and gives us evidence to get funding for those services you value.

Your answers will be treated anonymously. You do not need to leave your name or contact. If you leave contact details for the prize draw, they will only be used for this purpose. To thank you for taking the time to participate we have a prize draw of a total of 3 prizes of £50 vouchers. The closing date is the 31st of May and the prize draw will be the following week. We will have an early bird draw on the 2nd May 2024 with prize of £50. All winners will be notified in the first week of June 2024.

If you would like a personal response to any issue, please email your comments, compliments or complaints to me at

Many thanks for helping.

Kind regards
Cheryl Brown
Chief Executive

Question Title

* 1. Which venue have you used?

Question Title

* 2. How would you rate us?

  Very good/Excellent Good Satisfactory Unsatisfactory N/A
For contacting you when we said we would
For the quality of the service you received
For the way in which we shared information with you
For the way in which our staff member worked with you

Question Title

* 3. How would you rate each of our services: (if you have not used the service, tick "n/a")

  Very good/Excellient Good Satisfactory Unsatisfctory N/A
Early learning and Childcare- that is our nursery places - funded or self-funded
Perinatal support e.g. A Good Start, Circle of security, Enjoy you, enjoy baby, Dads2Be, 1-1 support etc
Parenting or family support e.g. Help on 1-1 basis/ in home/ Raising Children with Confidence
Therapeutic services e.g. Counselling, Mindfulness, Storytelling
Family Lerning e.g. HENRY/Peep/Bookbug/ Open Kindergarten/Stay and Play
Support to manage finances e.g. CAB support, financial support, budgeting sessions
Community capacity building e.g. problem solving skills, family friends, peer groups,

Question Title

* 4. Could you rate how much we have helped you in the following ways:

  Very good/Excellent Good Satisfactory Unsatisfactory N/A
Feel Welcomed
Supported you as a parent/carer and your child to learn/play together
Supported you to understand your child/child development/ improved bonding with child
Feel part of the community/ met new people
Feel healthier/learnt something new/more positive about yourself

Question Title

* 5. How has your families experience of your child's care been? (tick "n/a" if you have not used the Nursery)

  Not used Very good/Excellent Good Satisfactory Unsatisfactory N/A
How well does the nursery meet your child's needs
How has your child progressed?
How would you describe the relationship between your child and the Early Years Practitioners (staff)?
How well do you feel the staff involve you in your child's learning e.g. observations, profiles, reviews?
How welcomed do you and your child feel in the nursery?
How well informed are you on other activities you may participate in at MSS e.g. groups/courses/referral to CABx etc

Question Title

* 6. Do you feel the services listed below are still needed? (Tick all that apply)

  Yes No Not sure
Early Learning and Childcare- that is nursery places
Family Learning e.g. Open Kindergarten, HENRY, Peep, Bookbug, PICL
Perinatal support e.g. A Good Start, Circle of security, Enjoy you, enjoy baby, Dads2Be, 1-1 support etc
Support to manage finances e.g. CAB support, financial support, budgeting sessions
Community capacity building e.g. problem solving skills, family friends, peer groups,
Mindfulness and storytelling in primary schools
Parenting support e.g. Raising children with confidence

Question Title

* 7. Is there anything else you’d like to see us offer to families? e.g. parents forum, playgroup length sessions etc.?

Question Title

* 8. Do you have any other comments regarding the service you receive from (e.g what can we do better/more of etc) (Name the Service)

Question Title

* 9. If you would like to be considered for our prize draw please leave contact details below. These will only be used for the prize draw.