What about my privacy and data storage?
The data collected in this study is completely anonymous and individual participants are unable to be identified. All information collected as part of the study will be retained for a minimum of five years. Data will be securely stored on a password-protected computer at UniSA and can only be accessed by the researchers listed on this information sheet. As the data will be collected through Survey Monkey, the United States government, under US privacy laws, has the right to access all information held in electronic databases. However, since data collected is anonymous, the US government will not be able to identify participants. Once data collection is complete and data exported, information will be deleted off the Survey Monkey platform.
How will I receive feedback?
If you would like to receive a summary of the results of the study, please email the researcher to request a copy of the final report. Due to the anonymity of data collection, individual feedback is not possible.
If you would like any further information concerning this project or if you have any problems which may be related to your involvement in the project, you can contact the researcher or research supervisors:
Ms Caitlin Waldie
Psychology Honours Student
UniSA Justice and Society
Professor David Cropley
Primary Supervisor
University of South Australia
(+61) 883 023 301
Ms Michelle Oppert
University of South Australia
(+61) 415 811 455
The ethical aspects of this research project have been approved by the Human Research Ethics Committee (HREC) of the University of South Australia as required by the Australian government research requirements, specified in the National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research (2007 - updated 2018). This statement has been developed to protect the interests of people who agree to participate in human research studies.
If you have any complaints about any aspect of the project, the way it is being conducted or any questions about being a research participant in general, please contact:
University of South Australia Human Research Ethics Committee
Ms Vicki Allen
(+61) 883 026 330