Thanks for clicking through to share your insight in this quick survey. The goal is simply to gauge the level of importance you place on yeast quality in your brewing process, how cumbersome you find your yeast quality assurance methods, and what solutions might help improve all of this going forward. After submitting your insight, you will be entered into a random drawing to win a $100 Visa gift card and some CBB swag thanks to survey sponsor ABER Instruments.

Question Title

* 1. What is your view on the importance of yeast measurement within your brewery? (Please choose one of the following)

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* 2. Brewers generally have a requirement for yeast counting and viability estimation. The microscope with a haemocytometer is the most common method used for yeast counting and viability  estimation. On a scale of 1 to 10, please indicate whether you consider this process to be time consuming or not.

1 - Not that time consuming 100 - Super time consuming
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

Question Title

* 3. Do you consider yeast counting/viability to be subjective, depending on who is doing the counting?

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* 4. What skill & dexterity level do you consider is important in this process?

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* 5. What factors would you take into consideration and prioritize when assessing a yeast analyzing method for use in your laboratory or by your brewers? (Rank in order of importance where 1 is most important, 5 is least.)

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* 6. What is the maximum you would pay (in $) for an instrument to carry out the yeast measurement test?

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* 7. If this instrument included a laptop / tablet with software, what is the maximum you would you pay (in $) for an instrument?

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* 8. What is an acceptable cost per test to assess yeast concentration and viability?

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* 9. Which yeast measurement are you most interested in as a craft brewer?

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* 10. Do you currently utilize stains such as methylene blue?

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* 11. How would you prefer the data to be stored and accessed? (Please number in order of priority)

  Top Choice Second
Cloud Storage

Question Title

* 12. What device would you prefer to perform the measurement on?

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* 13. What would be your preferred payment method?

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* 14. Approximately, how many barrels does your craft brewery produce annually?