Thank you for attending the December 3rd seminar. Please complete this Session Evaluation before our next CPDP session. AS A REMINDER: Your feedback serves two critical functions: 1) To gain a sense of your growth and learning experience in the program;
2) To help make improvements to each seminar, as necessary.

Question Title

* 1. Your Name

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* 2. Were you familiar with the topic of Special Needs and Student Success BEFORE Saturday's session?

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* 3. If you were familiar with the topic of Special Needs and Student Success BEFORE Saturday's session, please tell us where you learned about the topic.

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* 4. Please complete this statement:
I now understand that Special Needs and Student Success means...

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* 5. Please select your answer for each of the statements on the left.

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree Nor Disagree Agree Strongly Agree
This session exceeded my expectations.
I have developed ”next steps” to apply what I learned from this session.
The discussion in the workshop were valuable.
The amount of time available to process & dialogue was sufficient.
I increased my knowledge of this topic.
I feel the topic was relevant to the work of Paraprofessionals.
Hayden Frederick-Clarke was effective in his delivery of the content
Dr. Brown McManus was effective in her delivery of the content.
I would recommend this session to my colleagues.

Question Title

* 6. In thinking about the topic, what information was most useful to you from this session?

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* 7. In thinking about the topic, what information (if any) was challenging to understand or apply from the session?

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* 8. What is at least one action step you will take as a result of the Introduction to Special Needs and Student Success session?

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* 9. If you felt the video was helpful, briefly explain what you learned.

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* 10. Please provide any constructive feedback for Hayden Frederick-Clarke related to his presentation.

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* 11. Please provide any constructive feedback for Dr. Brown McManus regarding her mini-lecture after the presentation.

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* 12. Do you have any other comments, questions, or concerns regarding any portion of the December 3rd session?