Reopening for In-Person Worship Survey #2

Dear brothers and sisters of GSLC,

 We have all been asked to endure much during the pandemic, not the least of which is the way in which we have had to adjust to new ways of worship, study and fellowship. We have certainly been blessed with our amazing pastor and staff. While it may seem that the doors of our church building have been shut, our staff has been as busy as ever, and in many cases even more so.

 No doubt you have been watching the news and pandemic number trends. While the state of Georgia has been on a steady decline in new infection rates and percent positivity, Cherokee county has proven otherwise stubborn with recent “bounce backs” over the past month. Still, the GSLC council approved a smaller subset of the COVID Task Force that has already begun reviewing/editing the reopening plan for a phased re-opening of the church to coincide with eventual, favorable trends and numbers.

 To that end and to help us in our planning and decision-making, we ask you to spend a brief moment to take this short survey. Your input is so important to the process as we joyfully look forward to those days when we can enter our church doors once again to worship our Lord together. To help us get an understanding of the barometer of the congregation at this moment in time, we ask that each family member individually complete the survey.

 Yours in Christ,
Tony Endozo
Congregation President

This survey will close Friday, April 23, 2021, at noon

1.Do you feel that it is important for others to be vaccinated before returning to in person worship?
2.Are you comfortable returning to in person worship after/upon your covid-19 vaccination?
3.Have you been vaccinated for covid-19?
4.If answered No to question #3, do you plan on getting the vaccine?
5.Please check your age category
6.Which in person service did you normally attend?