The estimated time to complete this survey is 3-minutes

Join us in a quick anonymous survey to assess which kinds of media and information technologies matter most in these extraordinary times? Do they stress us, or help us cope better?

The results will be on our website as soon as we have sufficient numbers. Please share this survey to help us reach more people.

For more information about our research, please visit

Question Title

* 1. Has the COVID19 Pandemic disrupted your normal life?

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* 2. Are you in quarantine or self-isolation?

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* 3. Which one of these statements best describe how you feel about the COVID 19 Pandemic.

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* 4. How would you answer the following questions?

  Definitely true Somewhat true Not really true Definitely false I don't know.
The COVID 19 news and social media posts overwhelm me.
The COVID 19 news and social media posts give me a sense of knowledge and control.
I try to avoid the COVID19 news as much as I can.
Social media spreads false information about COVID19.
Social media connects me to what is happening in the world.
I use social media to be connected while social-distancing.
These is too much media hype about COVID19.
I play games or watch TV to distract myself from COVID19.

Question Title

* 5. If you had to go to quarantine or self-isolation, pick 3 activities that would help you cope with this situation best.

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* 6. In the past week, which one of your usage patterns have changed?

  Increased Decreased Stayed the same I rarely use it
Work computer
Netflix or Similar

Question Title

* 7. To which age category do you belong?

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* 8. At the moment, in which country are you located?

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* 9. What is your gender?

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* 10. What is your occupation?

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* 11. Generally, how would you describe your physical health?

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* 12. Generally, how would you describe your mental health?

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* 13. Are you worried that too much screen time can affect your physical health negatively?

Question Title

* 14. Are you worried that the increased screen-time after COVID19 can have negative mental health effects?