Counting the cost of childcare

1.What county do you live in?
2.Are you male or female?
3.Do you have a child (or children) in full time or part time childcare outside of the free pre-school programme (ECCE)?
4.How many children do you currently have in either full or part time childcare?
5.Have your fees increased in the last 12 months?
6.If you selected "yes", by how much have your fees increased?
7.Do you qualify for the National Childcare Scheme?
8.If you qualify, what are your WEEKLY fees after the National Childcare Scheme subsidy is deducted?
9.If you don’t qualify, what are your WEEKLY fees?
10.How much of your family’s income is spent on childcare?
11.Have you had to cut back on other essentials such as groceries and fuel in order to meet childcare costs?
12.Is your child (children) in a community or private service?
13.Has the cost of childcare stopped at least one parent in your household from returning to work? This includes single parent households
14.Have you or your partner had to take extended leave from your work to cover childcare needs within the home?
15.Are you worried that you or your partner may have to stop working in the future due to childcare costs?
16.Is there are lack of childcare services in your area?
17.Do you feel the current cost of living crisis makes it harder for you to cover childcare fees?
18.Anything else you would like to tell us about your experience of the childcare system?
Current Progress,
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