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* 1. How strongly do you agree or disagree with this strategy’s vision for a more resilient and sustainable city?

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* 2. How confident do you feel that the City and the community can meet the targets set out in this strategy?

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* 3. How worried are you about the impacts of climate change including heatwaves, bushfires and storms?

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* 4. How confident are you that action by government, business and the community is adequate to address these challenges?

5. This strategy sets out 4 directions and 23 actions to achieve our vision. In your opinion, how important is each direction?
Direction 1 – Smart and resilient City operations
We’ll ensure our buildings, parks, services and supply chain operate efficiently and reduce water and energy use, divert waste from landfill and support circular economy outcomes.

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* In your opinion, how important is direction 1?

Direction 2 – Efficient, future-proof buildings & transport powered by renewable energy
We will drive all new buildings to be net zero energy and improve water, energy and waste efficiency in existing buildings through our planning controls, advocacy, partnerships and programs.

We will continue to support a shift away from private vehicles and towards public transport, walking and cycling, as well as supporting the transition to electric vehicles.

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* In your opinion, how important is direction 2?

Direction 3 – Regenerative and inclusive city
We’ll work with our communities, in particular our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, to make our city more resilient, contribute to regenerating the natural resources it consumes and ensure this transition includes everyone.

We will support a strong circular economy, continue to drought-proof our city through water recycling and regenerate polluted waterways, air and land.

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* In your opinion, how important is direction 3?

Direction 4 – Strong foundations for delivery
Through leadership, strong governance, effective communications, quality environmental reporting and increased staff capability, we will deliver the outcomes set out in this strategy.

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* In your opinion, how important is direction 4?

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* 6. These are some of the things we have already achieved. Can you choose the achievement that resonates most with you?

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* 7. Can you tell us why this achievement resonates with you?

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* 8. If we could only do three things from this list, which ones do you think are most important for the City to focus on?

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* 8. This strategy will only be successful if we do it together. Please select the things that you are interested in being involved in below.

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* 10. Is there anything else about the City's draft environmental strategy or policy you would like to tell us?