Resuming In-Person Worship Question Title * 1. Which location did you primarily attend prior to COVID-19? Leawood West Downtown Blue Springs Overland Park Online I am new to Resurrection and have only attended in the last few months I am a member of another church and temporarily worshipping with Resurrection Other (please specify) Question Title * 2. What is your age? Under 18 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65-74 75+ Question Title * 3. Have you been vaccinated for COVID-19? Yes, I have received 1 dose Yes, I have received 2 doses Not yet, but I plan to be vaccinated when possible I do not plan to be vaccinated Question Title * 4. Based on what you know today, when do you predict you will feel comfortable attending in-person worship with safety measures in place such as limited sanctuary capacity (e.g, 25%), mandatory masks and touch-less services. Immediately March April May June-July August-December I plan to attend online indefinitely I'm unsure Question Title * 5. Do you have any KiDSCOR-aged children (birth through 5th grade) living in your home? Yes No Other Ideas (please specify) Question Title * 6. If Resurrection holds simplified in-person Easter services on April 4 with a reservation system that limits attendance to a maximum of 25% seating capacity, would you prefer to attend in-person or online/TV Easter services? In-person Online/TV Uncertain Page1 / 2 50% of survey complete. Next