Exit Coronavirus Leadership Check-In Question Title * 1. How worried are you about the impact of coronavirus on you personally? Extremely worried Very worried Somewhat worried Not so worried Not at all worried Question Title * 2. How worried are you about the impact of coronavirus on your company? Extremely worried Very worried Somewhat worried Not so worried Not at all worried Question Title * 3. How easy or difficult is it for you to work effectively these days? Very easy Somewhat easy Neither easy nor difficult Somewhat difficult Very difficult Question Title * 4. What are the TOP THREE biggest challenges you are currently facing while working remotely? General anxiety about the impact of coronavirus on my life I’m sick or helping others who are sick Internet connectivity Communication with coworkers is harder I don’t have access to the tools or information I need to do my job at home My physical workspace Social isolation Getting enough food Too many distractions at home Keeping a regular schedule Childcare Other (please specify) Question Title * 5. Thinking about your current work from home arrangements, how long is this something you could comfortably maintain? It’s not sustainable now One week A few weeks About a month Two months Three or more months Question Title * 6. How often would you like the leadership team to communicate how your company will handle business complications due to coronavirus? Every day A few times a week About once a week Less often than that Question Title * 7. How confident are you in the company's leadership team to make the right decisions to manage through this crisis? Extremely confident Very confident Somewhat confident Not so confident Not confident at all Question Title * 8. How confident are you that you have the right resources and benefits from your company to help support you through this period? Extremely confident Very confident Somewhat confident Not so confident Not confident at all Question Title * 9. Outside of work, how confident are you that you have the right support network to help you through this period? Extremely confident Very confident Somewhat confident Not so confident Not confident at all Question Title * 10. What is your single greatest work-related concern right now? Done