Onlea is developing products for a new e-commerce platform, called the LX Store, a hub for sharing our design expertise, knowledge products, and templates with communication and education practitioners.

We need your input in a short 5-minute survey to understand your goals and pain points in creating content and engaging with your audience. Our goal is to design products that solve real challenges you have.
By completing this survey, you’ll be entered into a draw to win $100 (CAD). At the end of this survey, you’ll have an opportunity to let us know if you’re interested in being interviewed. Those chosen for an interview will be compensated $25 (CAD) for their time. 
Your responses will be kept private and not be distributed outside of Onlea Enterprises. Anything you choose to share with us will be treated confidentially and will not be connected to your identity or personal information. Questions/concerns? Send us an email at
First, we'd like to learn a bit about you:

Question Title

* 2. Are you someone who creates content to educate or otherwise engage with an audience? (For example, videos, podcasts, articles, online courses.)

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* 3. Imagine someone asks you what business area you are in. How would you describe your specific industry niche where you are engaging with an audience?

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* 4. How long have you been active as a content creator or educator?

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* 5. Choose the option that best matches your current situation:

Next, we'd like to hear a bit about your current pain points and tools you are using to help address them.

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* 6. What are some of the challenges you are currently facing in the process of creating and sourcing content, if any? (Choose all that apply)

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* 7. What are some of the challenges you are currently facing in the process of engaging with your audience, if any? (Choose all that apply)

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* 8. Which of the following tools do you use as part of your content creation workflow?

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* 9. Are there any other tools or sources of assets you are currently using as part of your content creation workflow?

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* 10. Would you be open to having a paid online interview of around 30 minutes in the next 1-3 weeks to discuss your current challenges and tools you are using? If chosen, you would be compensated $25 for your time. Please check this box if you are interested:

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100% of survey complete.