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Community Opinion Survey
Informed Consent
About the Research:
The goal of this study is to assess opioid use in the Central Public Health District (Kennebec and Somerset Counties), as well as the stigma that goes with it. We will use the data to create stigma-aware education and training.
Your participation is your choice. You may opt out at any time without penalty.
This survey should take 5-10 minutes to complete.
Risks and Benefits:
This survey poses little risk to you because it is anonymous. The benefits include helping to create training and education that addresses stigma related to opioid use among the broader community, health care staff and people who have used opioids. The survey also gives you a chance to share your thoughts, feelings and ideas on stigma related to opioid use.
Confidentiality of Records:
These surveys are anonymous. Your responses will be summarized with all the survey respondents. They will not be reported individually. MaineGeneral staff will keep physical copies of survey responses in locked and secured offices until they are destroyed after the data is analyzed.
If you have questions about the research and the research subjects’ rights, call Anne Conners, Director of Community Health, at 207-626-7344.
If there is a research-related injury, please call the Steve Diaz, MD, Chief Medical Officer, IRB chairperson, at 207-621-9305.
Copy of Informed Consent and Questions Answered:
If you want a copy of this informed consent, we will give one to you. If you have other questions before you complete the survey, please contact Lexi Perry at or 207-621-3724.
By clicking the "Next" button you are giving your consent to be surveyed.
Thank you for participating in our survey. Your feedback is important.