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Community & Special Population Programs and Sites

By completing this survey as accurately as possible, you are contributing critical information about the importance of the arts and the significant value it has as a learning experience for all. This information is of vital interest to the Pennsylvania Council on the Arts (PCA) and your PCA regional Partner. Please take the time to complete fully and return promptly.

Question Title

* 1. Date


Question Title

* 2. Name:

Question Title

* 3. Position:

Question Title

* 4. Email:

Question Title

* 5. Host Site:

Question Title

* 6. Type of organization:

Question Title

* 7. Host Site Address:

Question Title

* 8. Residency Art Form:

Question Title

* 9. Dates of Residency:

Question Title

* 10. Number of Residency Days:

Question Title

* 11. Number of Participant Groups:

Question Title

* 12. Total Number of Participants:

Question Title

* 13. Total Number of Individuals Served:
(include: residency groups participants, other center/program individuals, family members, center/program staff, community members)

Question Title

* 14. PCA Regional AIE Partner:

Question Title

* 15. Please use the scale below to rate the following statements.

  Strongly Agree Agree Somewhat Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree N/A
The teaching artist collaborated with staff to plan residency goals and objectives.
The teaching artist consulted with staff about residency lesson content.
Participation in the AIR program has enhanced our organization’s commitment to the arts.
The teaching artist helped administration become more comfortable with the inclusion of the arts in our programming.
The teaching artist helped staff become more comfortable with the inclusion of the arts in our programming.
Through participation in the AIR program, the artist was able to demonstrate the importance of engagement with the arts for our clientele.
Participation in the AIR program fostered collaboration between participants and staff.
Participation in the AIR program fostered collaboration between staff and the teaching artist.
Engagement in the AIR program provided participants opportunities to strengthen their verbal skills.
Engagement in the AIE program provided participants opportunities to strengthen their cognitive skills.
Activities for participants to engage interpersonally with one another during the residency were evidenced.
Opportunities for participants to engage interpersonally with the teaching artist during the residency were evidenced.
Opportunities for participants to strengthen their motor skills and/or dexterity were provided during residency sessions.
Participants exhibited emotional well-being during the residency sessions.
Participants demonstrated increased ability to work cooperatively with others.
Participants in the AIR program demonstrated respect for each other.
The AIR program allowed participants to discover new talents.
Engagement in the AIR program increased participants’ enthusiasm for the arts.
Participants developed skills they will be able to use in other environments.
This experience has increased my willingness to host more AIR programs.
I would recommend participation in the AIR program to my peers.

Question Title

* 16. Additional Comments:

0 of 16 answered