The student listed below is applying for acceptance into the INROADS College Links Program. Your assessment of the student’s conduct, character and academic performance is an integral part in the evaluation process. Please provide your honest assessment of this student’s commitment and ability to lead and learn within the classroom, school and community.To learn more about College Links, please visit If you have questions or problems with this recommendation form, please contact

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* 1. Please provide your contact information.

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* 2. Please provide information on the student you are recommending.

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* 3. How long have you known the applicant?

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* 4. What is your relationship to the applicant?

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* 5. Please rate the student on the characteristics below.

  Excellent Average Fair Poor Unable to evaluate
Conduct in class/activities
Willingly participates in class/activities
Eager to learn new things
Respects others and their property
Ability to follow instructions
Completes assigned work on time
Study skills/habits
Motivation to participate in College Links

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* 6. Please share any comments or examples of your experience with the student related to their motivation and goals.

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* 7. Please share any comments or examples of your experience with the student related to their behavior and personality.

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* 8. Please share any comments or examples of your experience with the student related to their achievements.

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* 9. Please share any comments or examples of your experience with the student related to their strengths or weaknesses.

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* 10. Overall Recommendation:

  Enthusiastically Highly Moderately Minimally Not at all
I recommend this student