The Colbinabbin and district community is currently undertaking a Place Based Plan to identify what we want Colbinabbin and district to be like within the next 10 years. This work builds on the information we have already obtained from a number of other consultations that have occurred over the past few years. This project is funded and supported by Campaspe Shire Council and is being led by 9 local residents. Wendy Holland from communityvibe has been appointed by the Shire to assist with the project.
We are keen to hear from you if you live, work or play in Colbinabbin and district about how we can make our town an even better place for residents and visitors. Please share your ideas about how we can improve our programs, services, facilities and our connections with one another. You can also attend our community drop-in session outside the Colbinabbin General Store on Saturday 9 July anytime between 8am and 11am for a chat about your ideas with free coffee and cake provided.
At the same time as this Place Based Plan is being developed, Wendy Holland will be working on a master plan for the Colbinabbin Recreation Reserve in partnership with the Reserve Committee of Management. She will also be working on a Township Facility Plan commissioned by the Shire with a selected group of community members, which details which facilities are required to meet the community’s aspirations and needs over the next 10 years.
For more information, please follow us on Facebook @Colbinabbin (Colbo Community), Campaspe Shire Council website ( or contact Wendy Holland at communityvibe on: or 0438 433 555. Alternatively, feel free to contact any of our committee members.
The survey closes on Sunday 14 August.
Dean Wallace (Chairperson). E: P: 0444 516 731
Jo Brown. E: P: 0499 000 503
Tait Hamilton. E: P: 0417 139 505
Shannon Hill. E: P: 0400 195 876
Anne McEvoy. E: P: 0407 364 014
Hannah Price. E: P: 0409 804 473
Michelle Rathjen. E: P: 0409 853 771
Brian Spencer. E: P: 0400 274 482
Sadie Vale. E: P: 0407 548 412
Thank you!