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Our first ever virtual Annual Meeting will take place on Saturday, November 7th, 2020 between 11 am and 2 pm. Our theme is "Inspiring a Just Future."

This will be the Co-op's 43rd Annual Meeting and, as in past meetings, you'll enjoy an informative keynote, meet the Board Candidates, and hear organizational reports. We'll also provide interactive engagement.

This survey is not an event registration or RSVP. We're simply asking you to help us estimate how many attendees we can expect in order to adequately prepare for our program, how people feel about the technology we're using, and how we can deliver a great virtual meeting!

In November, all our members will receive an email with a link to join our Zoom event. You will also be able to access the link from our website at

Please click OK to continue to the survey.

Question Title

* 1. Do you plan to attend the Co-op's virtual Annual Meeting on the afternoon of November 7th?

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* 2. Have you ever attended a virtual meeting using the Zoom platform on your computer or phone?

0 of 8 answered