CMA Membership Survey 2023 - 24

1.How do you identify your gender?
2.What is your Ethnicity?
3.What is your age?
4.What is your sexual orientation?
5.Drugs previously used on a regular basis
6.Attending Other Twelve Step Fellowships
7.Areas of life negatively affected by drug use
8.Areas of life positively affected by recovery from drug use
9.Current meeting attendance
10.Did you feel welcomed at your first CMA meeting? 
11.Introduction to CMA
12.Level of Education
13.Employment Status
14.Months / Years drug and alcohol free
15.Is Relapse a part of your story?
16.Twelve Step Sponsor
17.Currently working the steps
18.Have a CMA Homegroup
19.Have You Ever Been Incarcerated?
20.If yes, did you have access to 12 Step Meetings while incarcerated?
21.Residential Treatment Experience - Have you been to a residential treatment program or rehab?
22.If yes, were CMA Meetings available for you to attend?
23.Do You Feel That CMA is Diverse, Equitable and Inclusive in Your State or region?
24.What Would You Like to See More of In CMA?
25.What state or region are you from?