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Thank you for completing this survey. Your responses will help us ensure we are supporting clubs.

An important part of the Sport Welfare Officer network project is the evaluation, and we are very interested to hear about your experience to date. We also want to understand how confident and supported you feel in your role, and your views on club practices and culture. This is very important insight and learning for us and it will help us to develop and improve our offer to you.

Participation in the survey is voluntary - if you choose not to participate, it won't disadvantage you in any way.

The survey should take no more than 5 minutes to complete. We may ask you to complete the survey again in the future so that we can understand if your experience has changed over time.

The survey may contain some questions you find uncomfortable to answer. Please feel free to skip these questions or discuss with a colleague/your SWO. The results of the survey will inform the type and nature of support offered to you for example, we may tailor our educational offer to clubs in your area.

Question Title

* 1. What is the name of your club?

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* 3. Is your club a member of a National Governing Body?

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* 5. Which county is your club in?

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* 6. Is your club a recreation or performance club?

For reference recreation clubs develop athletes at grassroots level and enters individuals/ teams into local and regional competitions

A performance club is a setting which develops athletes at grassroots level and enters them into National/International competition.

Question Title

* 7. Which Sport Welfare Officer are you working with?

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* 8. Are you a club Welfare Officer?

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* 9. Do you have any other role in your club?

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* 10. How would you rate your current confidence levels for the following areas?

On a scale of 1 to 10 where 1 is not at all confident and 10 is extremely confident

  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
My understanding of safeguarding and safeguarding processes for children
My understanding of safeguarding and safeguarding processes for adults
My understanding of my duty of care responsibilities
My understanding of what good welfare practice looks like
My understanding of how to create an inclusive environment
I have the skills to create a safe, welcoming and inclusive environment

Question Title

* 11. How supported by and connected do you feel to the following, in relation to safeguarding and welfare?

On a scale of 1 to 10, where 1 is not at all connected and 10 is extremely connected.

  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Staff and volunteers within the club
The Board / Decision makers within the club
Organisations outside of the club
Other club welfare officers (inside or outside of your sport)
The Sport Welfare Officer

Question Title

* 12. We want to understand your views on your current club practices and culture. How would you rate your club in relation to the following areas?

On a scale of 1 to 10, where 1 is extremely low and 10 is extremely high.

  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
The confidence, knowledge and understanding of safeguarding and safeguarding processes of staff/volunteers within your club
The extent to which your club shares and embeds good practice
The extent to which your club has processes in place to continuously improve participant experience

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* 13. What do you think are the best opportunities for creating an even safer, welcoming, inclusive culture for everyone?

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* 14. Do you have an existing connection with your local Active Partnership

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* 15. How did you find out about support available from your local Sport Welfare Officer?

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* 16. If you have already been supported by a Sport Welfare Officer from your local Active Partnership, how helpful was the support they provided? Please tell us about any impact the support has had for you or your club.

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* 17. How would you rate the extent to which the support of the Sport Welfare Officer has contributed to the club developing a safer and more inclusive environment?

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* 18. Do you have any feedback (positive or negative) about the Sport Welfare Officer support?

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* 19. We would like to collect some personal information so we can understand what changes for you throughout the course of this project. Your name, and contact information will be used by your local Active Partnership so that they can keep in touch with you. If you would prefer not to provide any contact details please leave this section blank.

For the project evaluation, your information will be completely anonymised and will be destroyed in a secure manner once in line with Active Partnerships Data Protection policy. No information will be published or used in any way which may allow any individual to be identified.

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