Dear Clout Community,

As we wrap up the Clout Newsletter, we want to hear from you! This survey will help us understand what you enjoyed about Clout, what you’ll miss, and what products or features you’d like to see in the future. We also want to learn more about who you are and how we can continue to engage with you. Please take a few minutes to share your thoughts with us.

Question Title

* What did you enjoy most about the Clout Newsletter?

Question Title

* What will you miss the most about the Clout Newsletter?

Question Title

* Were there any topics or types of content you wished the newsletter had covered more often?

Question Title

* What types of products or services would you be interested in receiving from the politics team moving forward? Select all that apply.

Question Title

* Where do you typically get your political news from?"

Question Title

* What is your age?

Question Title

* What gender do you identify as?

Question Title

* Which best classifies where you currently live?

Question Title

* Do you pay for a subscription to The Philadelphia Inquirer?

Question Title

* Would you be interested in participating in paid research studies or focus groups in the future? By selecting "Yes," you are opting in to receive invitations for paid research opportunities, surveys, and focus groups by The Philadelphia Inquirer.

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100% of survey complete.