The amount of time it took to get the service was acceptable.
The amount of time it took to get the service was acceptable. Strongly disagree
The amount of time it took to get the service was acceptable. Disagree
The amount of time it took to get the service was acceptable. Neither disagree or agree
The amount of time it took to get the service was acceptable. Agree
The amount of time it took to get the service was acceptable. Strongly Agree
The time and location of the service was convenient.
The time and location of the service was convenient. Strongly disagree
The time and location of the service was convenient. Disagree
The time and location of the service was convenient. Neither disagree or agree
The time and location of the service was convenient. Agree
The time and location of the service was convenient. Strongly Agree
I was treated well by health unit staff. They were friendly, courteous, helpful and respectful.
I was treated well by health unit staff. They were friendly, courteous, helpful and respectful. Strongly disagree
I was treated well by health unit staff. They were friendly, courteous, helpful and respectful. Disagree
I was treated well by health unit staff. They were friendly, courteous, helpful and respectful. Neither disagree or agree
I was treated well by health unit staff. They were friendly, courteous, helpful and respectful. Agree
I was treated well by health unit staff. They were friendly, courteous, helpful and respectful. Strongly Agree
The health unit staff person had the knowledge and skills to help me.
The health unit staff person had the knowledge and skills to help me. Strongly disagree
The health unit staff person had the knowledge and skills to help me. Disagree
The health unit staff person had the knowledge and skills to help me. Neither disagree or agree
The health unit staff person had the knowledge and skills to help me. Agree
The health unit staff person had the knowledge and skills to help me. Strongly Agree
I was satisfied with the quality of the service I received.
I was satisfied with the quality of the service I received. Strongly disagree
I was satisfied with the quality of the service I received. Disagree
I was satisfied with the quality of the service I received. Neither disagree or agree
I was satisfied with the quality of the service I received. Agree
I was satisfied with the quality of the service I received. Strongly Agree
Overall, I got the information and /or service that I needed.
Overall, I got the information and /or service that I needed. Strongly disagree
Overall, I got the information and /or service that I needed. Disagree
Overall, I got the information and /or service that I needed. Neither disagree or agree
Overall, I got the information and /or service that I needed. Agree
Overall, I got the information and /or service that I needed. Strongly Agree