In October of last year, the Community-Led Collaboration Project co-hosted community conversations in Port Alberni to understand what families and service providers would like to see in a network of services and supports for children and youth with disabilities or support needs*.

We invite you to review the results and key findings of these conversations in the Draft Report for Port Alberni and surrounding areas, which you can find here:

Please review the report and respond to the questions in the spaces provided below. You may call 1-844-488-4321, and someone from our team will assist you with the survey. Your survey answers will be recorded anonymously. You can fill in this survey in your language of preference.

If you want to learn more about the Community-Led Collaboration Project, please visit:

*Children and youth with support needs are 0-19 years of age, have a disability, diagnosed or undiagnosed, need support, and/or  have a possible developmental delay.
Many thanks for your participation.

Question Title

* 1. Did we get it right? Is the Community Report a reflection of your community and your own hopes, aspirations and/or challenges?

Question Title

* 2. What's missing from this report? Which details or data points need to be changed?