Thank you for agreeing to take our survey.  Each question is voluntary and your answers will remain confidential and anonymous. This information is really important because it helps us serve you better. Your answers will help us improve the care that you receive now and in the future.

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* 1. Please select the site at which your doctor or nurse practitioner is located:

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* 2. The last time you were sick or were concerned you had a health problem, how many days did it take from when you first tried to connect to your doctor or nurse practitioner to when you actually spoke to him/her or someone else from their office about your health problem?

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* 3. Were you able to have that health problem addressed in a timely manner that you felt was appropriate?

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* 4. The last time you were sick and you tried to see your doctor or nurse practitioner were you offered a same or next day appointment to see him/her or someone else in their office within this time frame, even if you were unable to accept the appointment?

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* 5. When you connect with your doctor or nurse practitioner, how often do they or someone else in the office involve you as much as you want to be in decisions about your care and treatment?

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* 6. When you connect with your doctor or nurse practitioner, how often do they or someone else give you an opportunity to ask questions about recommended treatment?

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* 7. Thinking about your most recent visit, on a scale of poor to excellent, how would you rate your overall experience with our office staff?

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* 8. Any additional comments regarding the Family Health Team in general, appointment bookings, staff, primary care providers, or programming.