CWJC/CMJC 25 Years: Leaders Question Title * 1. How long have you been involved with CWJC/CMJC? Less than 5 Years 5-10 Years 10-15 Years 15+ Years Question Title * 2. Please indicate your involvement with CWJC/CMJC. Site Coordinator Advisory Council or Board Member Volunteer Question Title * 3. Rank the following key elements in order of importance. 1NetworkingMove up NetworkingMove down Networking2Needs AssessmentMove up Needs AssessmentMove down Needs Assessment3CovenantsMove up CovenantsMove down Covenants4EvaluationMove up EvaluationMove down Evaluation5Advisory CouncilMove up Advisory CouncilMove down Advisory Council6CertificationMove up CertificationMove down Certification Question Title * 4. Which of the following resources do you regular take advantage? Monthly Newsletters Online Webinars Online Courses Question Title * 5. What do you think will help CWJC/CMJC move forward towards growth in the next 25 years? Question Title * 6. If you were to use a different word for "covenant" what would it be? Please provide explanation for your answer. Question Title * 7. How have seen CWJC/CMJC impact those in your community? Question Title * 8. What resources do you wish national WMU provided for site leaders? Question Title * 9. What is your biggest challenge as a site leader? Question Title * 10. Email: Email will not be distributed, and will only be used for purposed related to this survey. Question Title * 11. In which ministry are you involved? CWJC CMJC Both Done