FDA Clinical Investigator Training Course (CITC) 2024 Event Evaluation & Certificate of Attendance Question Title * 1. Please provide the email address you used to register for the event: Question Title * 2. How likely are you to recommend virtual attendance of SBIA events to your colleagues? Likely Neither likely or unlikely Unlikely Question Title * 3. How satisfied were you with these aspects of the event? Very Disappointed Disappointed Neutral Satisfied Very Satisfied Event online platform (Adobe Connect) Event online platform (Adobe Connect) Very Disappointed Event online platform (Adobe Connect) Disappointed Event online platform (Adobe Connect) Neutral Event online platform (Adobe Connect) Satisfied Event online platform (Adobe Connect) Very Satisfied Q&A with FDA speakers Q&A with FDA speakers Very Disappointed Q&A with FDA speakers Disappointed Q&A with FDA speakers Neutral Q&A with FDA speakers Satisfied Q&A with FDA speakers Very Satisfied Registration process Registration process Very Disappointed Registration process Disappointed Registration process Neutral Registration process Satisfied Registration process Very Satisfied Question Title * 4. Was this event valuable to you? Yes No Question Title * 5. If you chose "Yes" to the above question why did you rate the event as valuable (choose all that apply): Event's topics were relevant to what I do I learned something new and important during this event This information will be helpful to my colleagues What I learned will have a positive impact on what I do Question Title * 6. Please provide any comments to help us improve future events(topics, virtual attendance suggestions, other suggestions, etc.): Next