Thank you for completing this survey. Your responses help us to provide grants and resources to library users across Washington State!

Question Title

* 1. Which library or school are you reporting for?

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* 2. How many patrons do you estimate interacted with the Welcoming Library during outreach and programs while you were borrowing it?

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* 3. I am satisfied that the Welcoming Library met library needs.

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* 4. The Welcoming Library helped improve library services to the public.

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* 5. Describe how you have used the Welcoming Library while you were borrowing it. What programs did you use it for? Outreach? Other activities? Be specific and detailed!

Question Title

* 6. Do you have any specific observations or stories about kids/families/adults interacting with the Welcoming Library that you'd like to share? Put them here!

Question Title

* 7. Do you have any feedback (positive, negative, or in-between) about the Welcoming Library collection? What do you like about it? How could it be improved?

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* 8. Please upload any photos you have from ways you have used the Welcoming Library. If your photos include patron or student faces, only upload them if you cover/blur them out or have permission for the Washington State Library to use the images in media.

PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only.
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