Thank you for your participation in the Canadian Housing and Renewal Association (CHRA) strategic planning process! This introductory survey, issued by SHS Consulting, will help us understand CHRA stakeholders’ current sentiments and desires for the upcoming 2023-2027 Strategic Plan.
This survey is the first step in the process. CHRA members will also be invited to participate in a virtual workshop in March and provide their feedback on the draft Strategic Plan at CHRA Congress in Winnipeg in April.
Your Information
While this survey is not anonymous, as you may choose to provide your personal information, your responses will be kept confidential. Only the SHS team members working on this project will have access to your responses. Survey results will be summarized and aggregated as part of the Strategic Plan—we will not attribute any responses to you. If you have any questions about this survey, please reach out to Adrienne Pacini (
Thank you for your time!
About You

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* 1. Your organization or affiliation

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* 2. Your affiliation with CHRA [select one]

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* 3. Where are you based, geographically? (Please select all that apply)

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* 4. Have you been part of a CHRA strategic planning process in the past (e.g., participated in a survey, workshop, or event at Congress)?

Revisiting our Vision and Mission
Why does CHRA exist?
The Canadian Housing and Renewal Association was established in 1968 as a national non-profit organization dedicated to supporting and strengthening the social and non- profit housing sector. Our mission is to ensure all Canadians have an affordable, secure, and decent place to call home. Adequate housing provides a stable foundation from which people, communities and Canada as a whole can prosper; we advocate for improved housing policies and programs that keep housing affordable, expand housing capacity, and work to end homelessness. We support a sustainable housing profession and work to connect the broader sector, as well as our members, who collectively house and serve hundreds of thousands of people living in or seeking affordable housing.
What does CHRA do and offer?
CHRA undertakes research, develops policy, makes recommendations, and advocates on behalf of its members to compel decision-makers to make the kinds of choices that will lead us to a future where all Canadians can access and afford the type of housing they need. As a member-based organization, CHRA offers advocacy, Indigenous housing leadership, professional development, and knowledge sharing.
The following questions will have you revisit CHRA’s current vision.

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* 5. Does this current vision connect or resonate with you?

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* 6. Looking to the future: Does the existing vision feel like it will remain relevant based on where our world might be headed in the future? Will it be resilient in a time of change?

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* 7. Share some additional information about your responses to the previous two questions regarding CHRA’s vision. Why did you make those selections?

The following questions will have you revisit CHRA’s current mission.

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* 8. Does this current mission connect or resonate with you?

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* 9. Looking to the future: Does the existing mission feel like it will remain relevant based on where our world might be headed in the future? Will it be resilient in a time of change?

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* 10. Share some additional information about your responses to the previous two questions regarding CHRA’s mission. Why did you make those selections?

Building our Strategy

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* 11. Looking to our surrounding environment: Think about the signals and trends of change you’re witnessing in your environment today. We can think of these as early signs of future scenarios to come. What are the signals and trends you’re witnessing in each of the following categories?

Hint: there are no right or wrong answers! These trends don’t have to be directly related to the community housing sector. For instance, a prevalence of open-source access to education (society), a shrinking workforce (economy), and cyber-attacks (technology) might all be trends you’re sensing.

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* 12. Of the trends you listed, which are the most critical or matter most to the future of CHRA? List up to three.

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* 13. Of the trends you listed, which carry the most uncertainty about how they might evolve? List up to three.

The following image provides a snapshot of CHRA’s five current areas of focus.

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* 14. How would you evaluate these five focus areas in terms of potential relevance and impact for the future of CHRA?

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* 15. Looking at this list of focus areas, are there activities that are missing you would you like to see CHRA take on to support you as a member in driving impact toward housing for all in Canada? Are there activities we should eliminate?

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* 16. What strengths or “superpowers” does CHRA have that support its efforts to create meaningful impact in these five areas of focus? List up to three.

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* 17. What external challenges should CHRA keep in mind that may hinder our ability to drive change and impact in these five areas? List up to three.


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* 18. Is there anything else you want to share about your hopes for the new CHRA Strategic Plan or planning process?

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* 19. We are planning on hosting an interactive virtual workshop to continue to build out CHRA’s 2023-2027 Strategic Plan. Would you be interested in participating in this workshop? If so, please share your name and email address below and we will keep you in the loop.

Thank you for your participation. We appreciate the time you've spent on this survey!