Cell & Gene Therapy Industry Survey

Survey Definitions and Questions

We very much appreciate you taking part in this survey. The anonymized and aggregated results of this survey will be shared with certain service providers and technology providers looking to optimize their offerings for the cell and gene therapy sector.

     "CGT" = cell, gene, and/or tissue products

     "Source Material" = PBSCs, PBMCs, and cells derived from bone marrow, cord blood/tissue for CGTs
* This survey is sponsored by Blood Centers of America
1.Given evidence of decreasing donor activities at US blood centers, do you believe the CGT industry is likely to face bottleneck issues in future production due to the lack of available Source Material?(Required.)
2.Do you share these concerns related to your products?(Required.)
3.Do the products you are directly involved in developing require a large and/or ongoing Source Material donor base for adequate source material?(Required.)
4.Do you believe the CGT industry is likely to face bottleneck issues in future production because of a shortage of required Source Material either due to donor shortages, inability to identify/recruit 'rare' donors, or lack of donors in certain geographies?(Required.)
5.Do you believe some processing capabilities at Source Material collection facilities would be an advantage in the supply chain of CGT products?(Required.)
6.Do you believe the existence of vein-to-vein processing/manufacturing capabilities of CGT products at hospitals or health systems would help or hinder the evolution/expansion of CGT products?(Required.)
7.Do you believe the future of CGT will be largely dominated by centralized manufacturing?(Required.)
8.Do you believe the future of CGT will be largely dominated by allogeneic CGT?(Required.)
9.Do you believe the future of allogeneic CGT will be largely dominated by centralized manufacturing?(Required.)
10.Do you believe the future of autologous CGT will be largely dominated by centralized manufacturing (choose best answer)?(Required.)
11.Is or will your organization consider using cell expansion technologies such as any of the following (check all that apply):(Required.)
12.In the future, to the extent that certain Source Material processing steps and/or CGT product manufacturing occurs in functionally closed systems, do you believe regulatory agencies will eventually allow these to be used in low-grade controlled environments (clean rooms) provided cGMP standards are maintained within and upstream/downstream of systems?(Required.)
13.If technology were to prove capable of supporting safe and uniform/standardized manufacturing of CGT products in closed, automated, systems and they were commercially available, would your organization be more likely consider a decentralized manufacturing model?(Required.)
14.Do you believe there is (or will be in the near-term) a demand for Source Material provided in specific and uniform cell concentration levels such as total nucleated cell count (TNC) of 5 billion, 10 billion, 15 billion, etc?(Required.)
15.Does your organization use a blood center for the collection of any Source Material? (check all the apply)(Required.)
16.If no, are you personally aware of any CGT organization that uses a blood center for the collection of any Source Material?(Required.)
17.Identify which of the following organizations you are sufficiently familiar with to name one and/or explain what they do:(Required.)
18.Does or will your organization require standardization among Source Material  collection facilities of (check all that apply):(Required.)
19.Does or will your organization require a geographically broad infrastructure for Source Material collections for clinical trials and/or commercial distribution?(Required.)
20.Could your organization benefit from a single entity to assist in identifying, contracting with, and training all the collection sites your organization requires?(Required.)
21.Could your organization benefit from a single point of contact assisting with ongoing management, compliance and reporting from all the collection sites required?(Required.)
22.Does or will your organization require a Source Material collection infrastructure capable of identifying donors with very specific characteristics (e.g., rare ethnicity, genetic trait, disease, etc)(Required.)
23.If yes, does or will your organization require (or prefer to have) multiple, ongoing collections from rare donors?(Required.)
24.In the future, do you believe all Source Material will eventually be cryopreserved (or stored long-term using other technology) or do you believe there will always be a need for fresh materials?(Required.)
25.Do you believe it could be advantageous to your organization or the future sales/delivery of your product, if the contract facility that collected your Source Material had a close working relationship with the hospital(s) which are involved in the delivery of your CGT products?(Required.)
26.Does or will your organization consider using Source Material as any of the following (check all that apply)(Required.)
Current Progress,
0 of 26 answered