Use this form to submit all the important facts of your case. Cases should be based on donor(s) whom you have actually encountered and who have committed a planned gift to your organization. Please do not submit cases that are in progress, with donors still deciding whether and how they will give. Please do not create hypothetical or composite donor stories. Using the fields below, please provide as many details as possible, changing names and locations as necessary to disguise the identity of the donor.

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* Please provide your contact information

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* About the Donor

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* Introductions--What is this donor like? What are his/her personal characteristics? Interests? Career history? Religious affiliation? Please provide information that helps understand him/her as a person.

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* Giving history--Describe the donor's history of support for your organization and other charities if known.

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* Income--Describe the amount and source(s) of the donor's current income.

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* Assets--Describe the donor’s asset(s), including real estate, retirement plans, investments, collections and intellectual property.

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* Goals for self--Describe the donor’s goals for him/herself and spouse, including financial, estate and charitable planning.

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* Goals for family--Describe the donor’s goals for children and other family members, including financial, estate and charitable planning.

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* Goals for charity--Describe the donor’s goals for supporting a philanthropic cause. What work or programs is he/she interested in supporting? Why?

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* The team--Describe the donor's advisors, including friend(s), attorney(s), financial planners(s), accountants(s) and any other people other than family members who influence his/her decisions. If the donor has no advisors, note that here.

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* Timeline--Does the donor have any goals or constraints related to the timing of a gift?

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* Organizational issues--Describe gift acceptance policies, campaign goals and counting policies, organizational priorities and other issues that may affect the design of this gift.

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* Resolution--What did the donor decide to do?

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* Take-aways--What are the most important things you learned from this donor?