Instructions: Select the level that best represents your job satisfaction for each item below.

When entering an answer of Strongly Disagree or Strongly Agree, please provide comments.

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* 1. A spirit of cooperation and teamwork exists in my immediate work unit.

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* 2. I clearly understand how my job contributes to the "big picture" of CDPH.

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* 3. The information and data I need to perform my job and make decisions is readily available to me.

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* 4. In general, I’m satisfied with the working conditions at my workplace.

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* 5. Overall, I believe my supervisor/team leader is doing a good job.

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* 6. Differences among individuals (i.e. gender, race) are respected and valued.

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* 7. My immediate supervisor has organized our work group effectively to get the work done.

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* 8. The computer systems can be relied on to be available and working when I need them. (Please specify VHN, MUNIS, Network, Email etc. if Strongly Agree or Strongly Disagree.)

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* 9. I'm satisfied with my involvement in decisions that affect my work.

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* 10. Supervisors/team leaders understand and support employees’ work/life balance.

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* 11. I feel valued and appreciated for my contributions to the organization.

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* 12. I’m satisfied with the ethical practices of my supervisor.

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* 13. The external internet site is user friendly.

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* 14. My supervisor effectively resolves staff conflicts as they arise.

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* 15. We have the right number of staff in my work unit to get the job done effectively.

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* 16. I’m satisfied with the way work is divided and assigned.

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* 17. The benefits I receive beyond pay, (such as flexible scheduling and other incentives), are positive rewards for my contributions.

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* 18. I feel I have the training I need to use my computer and software programs.

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* 19. I feel safe and secure from harm in carrying out my job duties.

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* 20. In general I’m clear about the roles and expectations of my job.

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* 21. Employees are encouraged to communicate and work together across the organization.

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* 22. I’m satisfied with the overall quality of the work being done by my work group.

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* 23. I have the technology and equipment I need to effectively do my job.

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* 24. I receive the training I need to perform my job.

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* 25. Information provided on the CDPH Intranet site is useful.

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* 26. I feel challenged to learn more and perform better in my work.

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* 27. My needs for professional development and growth are being met.

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* 28. The programs and software I have on my computer are adequate to do my job.

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* 29. Recognition and rewards are based on merit.

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* 30. Managers communicate CDPH's mission, vision, values and objectives.

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* 31. Employees at my workplace are compensated fairly (pay, benefits, etc).

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* 32. I'm satisfied with the recognition I receive for doing a good job.

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* 33. I feel I have adequate opportunity to interact with my Leadership Team.

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* 34. I have participated in a quality improvement (QI) project over the last year.

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* 35. I agree with the following statement about QI:

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* 36. Please share any additional comments pertaining to your job satisfaction and engagement.