What Should Students Learn in the 21st Century?

The Center for Curriculum Redesign is a non-profit organization dedicated to improving Education worldwide via answering this fundamental question on a global basis: "What Should Students Learn in the 21st Century?"

We are inviting you to share your experiences and expertise; we highly value your opinion, thank you very much for participating! This survey should take no more than 5-10 minutes to complete, and your anonymous feedback will play a vital part in shaping our research and recommendations.

Note that this survey is directed at teachers and professors *specifically*. If you are *not* a current or former teacher or professor, please visit the parent and student page.

All survey takers will receive a copy of the published findings and are entered for a chance to win one of 5 Kindle Fires and 10 books with DVD "21st Century Skills: Learning for Life in Our Times". Your email address at the end of the survey will allow us to send you the findings as well as enter you in the drawing for prizes.

For more continuous information, please visit our Center for Curriculum Redesign website and follow our work.

Thank you very much for helping to improve education worldwide, and for your time and participation.

In case of a technical issue with the survey, kindly notify us.
11% of survey complete.