Question Title

* 1. How often do you visit the Clark County Public Library? (Any branch)

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* 2. How much time do you typically spend at your branch?

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* 3. How do you typically travel to the Library?

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* 4. Which areas and services of the Library do you and/or your family use most often?

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* 5. Which Clark County Public Library branch do you currently use most frequently?

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* 6. Do you use your library to access the Internet?

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* 7. What are the most important services that the Clark County Public Library provides to you or to the community?

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* 8. What type of spaces are most important in a new branch library? Please rank the options with one (1) being the most important to six (6) being the least important.

  1. Space for children’s story time / activities
  2. Space for young adult / teens
  3. Space for individual work / quiet study
  4. Spaces for holding meetings of various sizes
  5. Space for using my technology / charge device
  6. Space for training / educational programs

Question Title

* 9. What are two (2) types of services, programs, or spaces that the current Clark County Public Library doesn’t offer now, but you wish it did?

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* 10. Describe what the new Northridge Branch Library should feel like in three (3) words.

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* 11. What is your age range?

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* 12. What is your gender?

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* 13. Race (Select all that apply)

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* 14. Additional comments or feedback?