Exit Clark County Public Library | Community Questionnaire Question Title * 1. How often do you visit the Clark County Public Library? (Any branch) Daily Twice a week Weekly Occasionally Never Question Title * 2. How much time do you typically spend at your branch? None 5 minutes to pick-up a hold 30 minutes 1 hour 2 hours 3 hours plus Question Title * 3. How do you typically travel to the Library? Personal vehicle Walk Bike Public transportation Ride sharing Other (please specify) Question Title * 4. Which areas and services of the Library do you and/or your family use most often? Adult Collection Children Collection Teen Collection Public Meeting Space Study Tables Computers Programs for Adults Programs for Kids Programs for Teens Printing Services Other (please specify) Question Title * 5. Which Clark County Public Library branch do you currently use most frequently? Question Title * 6. Do you use your library to access the Internet? Yes No Question Title * 7. What are the most important services that the Clark County Public Library provides to you or to the community? Question Title * 8. What type of spaces are most important in a new branch library? Please rank the options with one (1) being the most important to six (6) being the least important. 1Space for children’s story time / activitiesMove up Space for children’s story time / activitiesMove down Space for children’s story time / activities2Space for young adult / teensMove up Space for young adult / teensMove down Space for young adult / teens3Space for individual work / quiet studyMove up Space for individual work / quiet studyMove down Space for individual work / quiet study4Spaces for holding meetings of various sizesMove up Spaces for holding meetings of various sizesMove down Spaces for holding meetings of various sizes5Space for using my technology / charge deviceMove up Space for using my technology / charge deviceMove down Space for using my technology / charge device6Space for training / educational programsMove up Space for training / educational programsMove down Space for training / educational programs Question Title * 9. What are two (2) types of services, programs, or spaces that the current Clark County Public Library doesn’t offer now, but you wish it did? Question Title * 10. Describe what the new Northridge Branch Library should feel like in three (3) words. Question Title * 11. What is your age range? Under 18 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65-74 75+ Question Title * 12. What is your gender? Female Male Prefer to self-describe Question Title * 13. Race (Select all that apply) Bi-racial or Multi-racial Asian or Asian American Black or African American Hispanic or Latino Native American or Alaska Native Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander Caucasian or White Prefer to self-describe Question Title * 14. Additional comments or feedback? Done