Financial Impact of a Caregiving Experience Question Title * 1. On a scale from 1 to 5, with 1 being the least stressed and 5 being the most stressed, how stressed are you? 1 Least Stressed 2 3 4 5 Most stressed How stressed are you? How stressed are you? 1 Least Stressed How stressed are you? 2 How stressed are you? 3 How stressed are you? 4 How stressed are you? 5 Most stressed Question Title * 2. Tell Us Your Zip or Postal Code ZIP/Postal Code Question Title * 3. For whom do you care? Check as many as appropriate. Adult child over 18 Aunt or uncle Child under 18 Cousin Friend Grandparent(s) Parent(s) Sibling Spouse or partner Please feel free to share any details about your caregiving situation. Question Title * 4. How long have you been in a personal caregiving situation? Less than 1 year Between 1 and 5 years Between 5 and 10 years More than 10 years My caregiving role has ended Please feel free to share any details about your situation. Question Title * 5. Which race/ethnicity best describes you? (Please choose only one.) American Indian or Alaskan Native Asian / Pacific Islander Black or African American Hispanic White / Caucasian Multiple ethnicity / Other (please specify) Question Title * 6. What is your gender identity? Woman Man Genderqueer or non-binary Agender Not specified above, please specify Question Title * 7. Do you also work? Please check as many as apply. Caregiving is now my work I left the workforce because of my caregiving responsibilities I lost my job because of the pandemic I receive reimbursement for caring for my family member I retired I retired early because of my caregiving responsibilities I retired early because of the pandemic I work for myself I work full time I work part time Please share any details about your experiences that you’d like. Question Title * 8. How would you describe your financial situation prior to caregiving? Strong -- I had savings and easily paid my bills on time. Good -- I had some savings and paid my bills on time. Fair -- I had a little bit of savings and usually paid my bills on time. Challenging -- I didn’t have any savings and struggled to pay my bills on time. Please share any details of your situation that you’d like. Question Title * 9. How would you describe your financial situation today? Strong -- I have savings and easily pay my bills on time. Good -- I have some savings and pay my bills on time. Fair -- I have a little bit of savings and usually pay my bills on time. Challenging -- I don’t have any savings and struggle to pay my bills on time. Please share any details of your situation that you’d like. Question Title * 10. Which benefits and programs does your caree receive? Medicare Medicaid Workman’s comp Long-term care insurance Insurance coverage through your employer's benefits Veteran’s Benefits Please feel free to share any additional details about your caree’s programs. Question Title * 11. How would you describe your savings for your future? I have no savings. I have some savings. I have enough savings. I have plenty of savings. Please feel free to share any details about your situation. Question Title * 12. How has your caregiving experience impacted your ability to save for your future? Check as many as apply. I have used all my savings to pay for caregiving expenses. I have used all my savings because I had to leave the workforce as a result of my caregiving responsibilities. I have used some of my savings to pay for caregiving expenses. I have used some of my savings because I had to leave the workforce as a result of my caregiving responsibilities. There’s been no impact on my savings. Please feel free to share any details about your situation. Question Title * 13. How much of your own money do you use to pay for caregiving experiences on an annual basis? Less than $1,000. Between $1,000 and $5,000. Between $5,000 and $10,000. Between $10,000 and $15,000. More than $15,000. None. Please feel free to share any details about your situation. Question Title * 14. For which caregiving expenses do you pay? (Check all that apply.) Caregiving supplies such as incontinence supplies, wound care supplies and health care supplies Day programs Food Hospital bill Household expenses, including mortgage or rent payments, utilities, home modifications, remote health and safety monitoring devices In-home care Legal bills Medications Mental health services for you and/or your caree Physicians Senior care communities, including long-term care facilities Therapists, including physical, occupational and speech therapists Travel expenses, including costs of traveling to see a caree and for your caree’s treatments Treatment costs Other. Please share more in our comment field, below. Question Title * 15. What do you need that you can’t afford? (Check all that apply.) A break A more affordable house An accessible home Caregiving supplies such as incontinence supplies, wound care supplies and health care supplies Clothes for myself Day programs Dental care for myself Food Food for a caree’s special diet Glasses and/or contacts for myself Health care (physician appointments, annual screening) for myself Home modifications and remote health and safety monitoring devices In-home care Legal help Medications Mental health services for you and/or your caree Placement for a caree in a senior care community, including a long-term care facility Specialists who could help manage a caree’s disease process Therapists, including physical, occupational and speech therapists Travel, including costs of traveling to see a caree and for your caree’s treatments Treatments for a caree’s disease or illness Other. Please share more in our comment field, below. Question Title * 16. How comfortable do you feel about your ability to pay for your own future care? Very uncomfortable. Uncomfortable. Somewhat comfortable. Comfortable. Please feel free to share any details about your situation. Question Title * 17. What would help you most? Please check as many as appropriate. $3,000 tax credit to working family caregivers for qualified expenses Annual stipend of $1,200 Career coaching to help re-enter the workforce after a caree’s death Caregiving coaching Financial coaching Grants to pay for respite care to cover the costs of an annual two-week break Grants to start a small business to provide flexibility and stability during and after caregiving Monthly stipend of $250 Monthly stipend of $500 Paid leave. Social Security credits for caring for a family member after leaving the workforce Training on how to care for a family member Please share additional ideas and suggestions. Question Title * 18. What would change for you if you had enough money to pay for today’s needs and save enough for your future? Question Title * 19. What is your experience trying to find help for yourself and your caree? Question Title * 20. Please share any experiences about the financial impact of your caregiving experience. Question Title * 21. Would you like to receive updates from us on our campaign to create financial security for family caregivers? If so, please share your email address, below. Email Address Question Title * 22. Would you or your organization like to help with our initiative? Please share your email address, below, so we can be in touch. Email Address Done