Introduction and Additional Context

This national validation survey is a public, national survey administered by Advance CTE and open to all invested in the success of the National Career Clusters Framework. We invite organizations to submit a single survey response representative of your organization's feedback and needs. Please indicate at the end of this survey if you have decided to do this.

Please watch the short video below to learn more about the Framework's purpose and how to complete the survey. A full webinar is also linked below. The deadline to complete the survey is July 7, 2024.

Please review all information on this page carefully.

Before answering this survey, we ask that you understand the purpose of the National Career Clusters Framework (the Framework) and have reviewed Version 3.2. Please feel free to take time to fully understand the Framework, review survey questions ahead of time, and return to this survey at a later date.

You may also want to review the national webinar (conducted June 6, 2024) and our website to gain more context about the Framework.

Download and review Version 3.2 of the Framework

Full list of survey questions

Watch the webinar

Methodology Statement

This version of the modernized National Career Clusters Framework (V3.2) was constructed through over a year's worth of research and input gathering, using an industry-oriented framing. Industry sector profiles were built using North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) and Standard Occupation Classification (SOC) codes and national labor market data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics and other national sources. The 20 primary industry sectors identified in the NAICS framework were analyzed using the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Industry-Occupation Matrix projections to provide clarity on the expected concentration of occupations within each sector. Furthermore, transferable skills across sectors were assessed, allowing the modernized framework to condense some primary sectors into singular clusters (i.e. finance, insurance and real estate) which informed the creation of 13 Industry Advisory Groups.

Using employer feedback from sector-specific Industry Advisory Groups and additional input information that informed the development and language of the Framework, an initial version of the Framework was developed. Validation of the Framework was conducted with the Industry Advisory Groups, National Advisory Committee, Advance CTE staff and Boards of Directors. Feedback informed V2.0, which was then validated by a majority of State Directors of Career Technical Education and over 50 CTE connected groups and educators who provided additional insights about the connection between industry and education.

This version (V3.2) is the culmination of these feedback loops and input gathering. Upon conclusion of this survey, results and additionally submitted information will be compared to existing methodology and other feedback for validity and incorporated into the Framework as appropriate.

Evidence Gathering

Because this process is grounded in labor market data and industry validation, we will need to review all feedback provided through this survey. Responses suggesting changes to specific Career Clusters or sub-Clusters will need to be accompanied by evidence to help the national project team validate the feedback. For this reason, quality of response is more important to us than the number of responses sharing similar feedback. If you anticipate having specific changes to report, please be prepared to research and submit evidence as part of this survey.

Appropriate evidence could include, but is not limited to:
  • National, state, or local labor market data, including job projections, wage data, or similar information
  • Existing statewide programs of study or career pathways
  • Industry-specific information about careers in a given sector, such as emerging occupations or industry language, from a reputable industry source,

Question Title

* Have you adequately prepared to complete this survey?