Thank you for your interest in serving on a GO Team in Atlanta Public Schools. This form is for individuals who want to fill a Community Member seat on a GO Team. The information you provide will be shared with principals looking for community members for their school's GO Team.

This is not a GO Team candidate declaration form. Entering information here does not qualify you for a parent or non-supervisory staff election.

Declarations for elections open at the beginning of February. For more information click HERE.

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* 1. Please enter your contact information.

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* 2. Please verify your preferred email address--this will be our primary method of contact, so accuracy is important!

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* 3. The school(s) I am most interested in supporting is (are):

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* 4. I am a community partner representative and would like to support a cluster as part of a Cluster Advisory Team (please select below).

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* 5. I have been a member of a Local School Council.

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* 6. I have (or my organization has) the following expertise or talent that would be useful in my service. Examples might include legal, finance, engineering, fundraising, horticulture, etc.

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* 7. I am interested in serving on a school governance team because...

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* 8. I am also interested in volunteering in another capacity with the school governance team or school. (Select all that apply.)

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* 9. Additional comments, suggestions or concerns:

Thank you!