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* 1. How did you first hear about cryptocurrency?

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* 2. Which platformsPlatforms: websites, apps, social media channels, or any online or offline sources you use regularly do you use to learn about cryptocurrency?

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* 3. Do you have a favourite cryptocurrency educator or influencer? If so, please name them.

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* 4. What types of crypto related content do you consume? (Please select all that apply)

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* 5. Which is your preferred format for crypto related content? (Choose one)

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* 6. How often do you consume crypto content? (Choose one)

Rarely Weekly Several times per day

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* 7. What do you appreciate most about our crypto brokerage services?

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* 8. What could we do to improve our crypto brokerage services?

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* 9. What is one new product or service Caleb & Brown should offer?

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* 10. What do you appreciate most about our educational content?

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* 11. What could we do to improve our educational content?

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* 12. What tools or platforms do you use calculate your profit and loss?

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* 13. What information or news would make our Weekly Rollup newsletter more valuable to you?

Thank you for your time and for being a valued client of Caleb & Brown!
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