Campus Recycling & Waste COVID Impact Survey Pt 2: Long Term Impacts |
The following survey has been organized as a joint project between the College & University Recycling Coalition (CURC), Busch Systems, US Composting Council, Zero Waste Campus Council and the NRC Campus Council. This is a follow up to an early pt 1 survey that looked at the short-term reopening plans for campus recycling and waste programs in the face of the COVID pandemic. This current pt2 survey is looking at longer term impacts lasting beyond the current fall term.
The results of this survey will be made available to participants both as a summary report, as well as detailed responses published as a Google sheet. Your contact information will only be used to contact you directly for any follow up to the survey and will not be shared or used for marketing purposes. If you wish to have your institution remain anonymous with the published results, please indicate this on question 2. In this case, your responses will only be identified by general Carnegie Classification characteristics without listing the name.
We appreciate your participation.
The results of this survey will be made available to participants both as a summary report, as well as detailed responses published as a Google sheet. Your contact information will only be used to contact you directly for any follow up to the survey and will not be shared or used for marketing purposes. If you wish to have your institution remain anonymous with the published results, please indicate this on question 2. In this case, your responses will only be identified by general Carnegie Classification characteristics without listing the name.
We appreciate your participation.