The application is offered to active CAI credential holders in good stating who are fully retired from the industry. It allows designees to continue to be recognized for achieving their CAI credentials after leaving the industry.

A designee with a retired status will no longer need to meet the education redesignation requirements, as the education may no longer provide value to a designee who has retired.

Retired status designees are not entitled to use or hold themselves out to the public as an active designee. Designees who qualify for retired status may use the designation followed by “-Retired” after their name to indicate their status. For example, John Smith, PCAM-Retired., which signifies a retired status PCAM designation.

The maintenance fee for retired status will be due every year on August 1. Please do not send payment after completing this application. You will receive an adjusted invoice when available.

AMS - $35 | LSM - $25 | PCAM - $50 | RS - $55 | CIRMS - $40

You will be emailed once this application is processed and your designation is placed in retired status.

Question Title

* 1. CAI Number

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* 2. First Name & Middle Initial

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* 3. Last Name

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* 4. Home Address

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* 5. Preferred Phone Number

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* 6. Preferred Email Address

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* 7. Please enter the certificate number for each credential you wish to place in retired status.