Vaccine Mandate

Your Feedback is Critical

Note: Contact information is required only to ensure bargaining unit employees complete this survey. Aggregate data (not individual identities) may be shared during negotiations as we bargain the impacts of the mandate.

While employers have the right to mandate vaccinations, WFSE members will bargain the impacts of the COVID-19 vaccine mandate to ensure that public service heroes of this pandemic are treated fairly. 

Feedback from members is critical as we prepare to bargain the impacts of this proclamation.

Please share your thoughts and/or concerns and your hopes for an outcome when we bargain impacts.
1.Do you support the vaccine mandate?(Required.)
2.Thoughts or concerns about the vaccine mandate?
3.Hopes for an outcome when we bargain impacts of the mandate?
4.First name (Required.)
5.Last name (Required.)
7.Email address(Required.)
8.Phone number(Required.)
Current Progress,
0 of 8 answered